I have been active in all fields of my profession. Owner ,Principal, Corporate officer, Director of Operations for a multi desciplined Engineering Archictural, and Enviromental Firm. A Senior project manager of A new City in Central Florida, Hotels, Office and Retail buildings including Restaurants. As the development planner/designer /Architect.
Iam looking for a senior position as a lead designer(Concept) Manager position to utilize my diverse background I am licenced in 8 states
Thank you Regards
R. Quinn Turner Architect,AIA,NCARB
GLE associates, Inc., Orlando, FL, US, Director of Orlando operations
Direct all aspects of a multi desciplined firm providing Architectural planning and design, Mechanical,Electrical,Plumbing, Civil and Enviromental services to public agencies and private clients.
University of California, Berkeley, MArch, Architecture City Planning
Bauhhaus design system including all as percts of graphic media at that time, charcoal, ink, tempra. stuctural,design labs/ projects were asigned and presented on the charrete systemAll aspects historical architectural hisory. Forign language requinment related sciences 5 year corse ending with an individual theseis.
Koppers Student Design award two years in a row, Student candidate for AIA convention, Student award to work in Sweden on a new City., 1st Place