Architectural Design group, Inc, CADD Technitian / Assistant Project Manager
Supervised task organization for all Engineers involved in the project.
Site Inspection and Field Coordination.
Coordinated and supervised projects from office design to construction. Meet with clients, Engineers, contractor and subcontractors on site.
T-rakota Oficina de Proyecto, C.A., Project Designer
Designed projects for official goverment buildings within the state.
Supervised task organization for all Engineers involved in the projects.
Oficina Tecnica Mapra, Project Designer
Designed projects for official goverment buildings within the state.
Supervised task organization for all Engineers involved in the projects.
Arkilineo, C.A., Internship
Originated all activities to carry out project from the office.
Created design criteria in AutoCAD software. Developed Presentation in 3-D models.
Presented projects to senior management.
Desarrollo Hausberg, C.A., Assitant to Engineer
Assisted Engineer in supervision of all construction areas.
Coordinated and directed subcontractors involved in projects.
Re-designed project areas to facilitate the construction.