GO A L S and P H I L O S O P H Y
Architecture is a dynamic field that grows, reacts and evolves with time and with the cultural development of human being. However to keep it progressing it is first necessary to learn the reasons, meanings and ways of its past changes. It is important to be aware of historical facts and conditions that changed the world as well as to follow the advances in technology therefore to comprehend the context in which that architectural design was developed. Cultural awareness and analytical thinking are essential keys for creativity, questioning and innovation in all fields.
Practicability in fabrication can sometimes be limiting for architecture. In favor of cost-effective cause, we have the tendency to repeat what is familiar to us; we even develop norms and conventions to regulate, and facilitated production. We then stop questioning and stagnate.
To work toward this architectural evolvement, I emphasize the significance of critical thinking and design process [research + creative logic + method] while designing an architectural space.
Self Employed Designer, Architect/Designer
Lawrence Technological University, MArch, Architecture
Critical Issues of Architecture in the Design and Theory Master Program.