principal Architect Urban planner new city designer @ Bhoobal Associate.
Consulting chief Architect @ Nirmaan construction company
Reserach on history
Smart city and ancient construction Technics speaker
A architect Firm, Associate architect
Chief architect.
USSR Russia Technical University of Tajikistan, Masters, Architecture,Design and Urban Planning
Studied all subjects related to architecture, including painting,sculpture,paintings, history and culture, philosophy etc.
Awarded University first ,thesis "The Temple of World Religions".
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Preparatory/Foundation
Architecture basic and Russian language as foreign student.
Samathuvapuram cinceptor, 1st Place
Based on my proposal SAMATHUVAPURAM an eqaulity new settlement houses built across state , more than 125 places , each placesvwithb100 houses.
Gold Medal for my thesis THE TEMPLE OF WORLD RELIGIONS, 1st Place
1Participated/displayed my work in MARXI-Moscowski Architekturni Institute for International Architecturl competition, awarded 2nd prize
2.The same in Kirghistan for Aha-Khan award, 2nd prize.
3.Based on my thesis and my proposal of new Brother hood township, in India Tamil Nadu state Government created 100+ housing colonies in various location in the state. 1996-2010.