NBBJ, Boston, MA, US, Associate - Architect / Lead Designer
Currently working as Lead Designer/Design Manager on projects at multiple scales. I am responsible for initial design concepts during schematic design and pre-schematic phases as well as carrying through design intent through construction documentation and construction administration. Project experience includes the healthcare, research/lab and higher education sectors. I have also been involved in Urban De- sign and Master Planning projects both in the United State and abroad.
CANNON DESIGN, Boston, MA, US, Project Architect / Project Manager
Worked as project architect/project manager on small scale projects; was responsible for initial design concepts during schematic design and carried thru responsibilities to construction documentation and construction administration for sports and recreation projects.
SASAKI ASSOCIATES, Watertown, MA, US, Associate - Project Architect / Lead Designer
Responsible for initial design concepts and develop- ment of projects through all phases of work, including project documentation and construction administra- tion for a number of sport, campus, master planning and landscape architecture projects. Also responsible for graphic and design representation for all listed projects for marketing and presentation purposes. Also worked collaboratively with both planning and land- scape disciplines on several projects.
Bruner/Cott & Associates, Cambridge, MA, US, Project Designer
Responsible for design documentation and construc- tion administration. Followed all projects involved in from schematic design through construction documen- tation and construction administration.
Machado Silvetti Associates, Boston, MA, US, Senior Designer
Worked on development of projects in all phases of design. And was also responsible for design layout of marketing and job proposals.
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, US, Masters, Masters of architecture in Urban Design