

New York, NY, US

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"Aesthetics and craftsmanship must be built on the foundation of environmental and human care" the quote by Chiu-hwa Wang resonates with me deeply and further intrigued my own statement above based on my generation. I'm a young architect committed to sustainable design that integrates the natural environment with cultural influences. Raised as an only child in Taiwan, I developed a deep sensitivity to the environmental and cultural contrasts across the island, from Taipei’s urbanity to Taitung’s coastal landscapes. This awareness, combined with early exposure to social justice issues, steered me toward advocating for public welfare through architecture.

My work, including projects like “Mark of Terroir” and “Microcosm,” focuses on transforming spaces to foster connections and celebrate local essence. In addition to my architectural studies, I’ve pursued interdisciplinary experiences such as culinary training, German language courses, and tour guide certification. These diverse perspectives have shaped my empathetic, user-centered approach to design.

Furthermore, as both great listener and leader among the group, I emphasize active listening and inclusion, advocating for marginalized voices and striving to balance public welfare with sustainability. Inspired by the words of Chiu-hwa Wang, I’m dedicated to reshaping perspectives and showcasing the beauty of my island for future generations.


YS SPACEDESIGN, Tainan, TW, Part-Time Architectural Designer

Feb 2024 - May 2024

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TW, Project Designer

National Cheng Kung University Design Center is dedicated to revamping the overall planning and aesthetic experience of Cheng Kung University's campus, aiming to foster more interesting and friendly campus spaces.

Work Responsibilities:
/ Campus space planning and design development
/ Presentation proposals, space planning, graphic design, and layout
/ Assisting with related administrative tasks and planning major campus events
/ Communication and coordination with contractors, and handling tasks assigned by supervisors

Aug 2022 - Jul 2023


Columbia University, New York, NY, US, Masters, MS. AAD

May 2024 - current

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TW, BArch, Bachelor of Architecture

Sep 2017 - Jun 2022


Build-Up Taitung 2022, Honorable Mention

"Build up" not only means construction or creation but also signifies the process of bringing together young students and professionals in the field of architectural design through reviews and exhibitions. This process gradually accumulates the energy necessary to drive change in Taitung, paving the way for a better urban environment in the future.

Guiding Organizations|National Development Council, Ministry of Culture
Organizing Unit|Taitung County Government Cultural Affairs Department
Project Coordination|Taitung Design Center
Planning and Execution|Jinhotang Urban and Rural Creative Consulting Co., Ltd., Wushi Production
Executive Consultant|Architect Chen Zhe-sheng
Special Thanks|Lin Kefang Architects


Areas of Specialization 
