Syed Hamza Sadiq

Syed Hamza Sadiq

Oak Forest, IL, US

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As a motivated undergraduate Architecture student, I am eager to leverage my academic knowledge, practical skills, and passion for architecture to contribute effectively to a dynamic work environment. I am seeking a challenging position that allows me to apply my academic background, gain valuable industry experience, and further develop my professional skills. Enjoys playing with the interior an exterior connection with in the space. Also like to focus on the furniture in relation to the environment of the space. 


University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, US, BArch, Architecture

The architectural studies program at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) aims to give students a thorough education in the principles and practices of architecture. The UIC School of Architecture is dedicated to creating a lively and innovative learning environment where students can enhance their creativity, technical skills, and critical thinking. UIC's architectural studies program offers a challenging and rewarding education that prepares students to become thoughtful and innovative architects ready to tackle the challenges of the built environment.

Aug 2020 - May 2024

Areas of Specialization 
