Gillian Mui

Gillian Mui

Chicago, IL, US

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Hello! My name is Gillian and I am Chicago, IL. I am currently studying Architecture and Energy Studies at Yale College. I'm passionate about lowering the environmental impact of our built environment while still designing beautiful places that can foster community life and happiness. I hope to work on renovation and preservation efforts on existing buildings, as well as efforts to lower energy usage in building construction and maintenance, reduce and offset carbon emissions, and foster sustainable practices in building development and design. 


Greater Good Studio, Chicago, IL, Research & Design Intern

▪ Primarily worked with Vision Zero, a global road traffic safety project aiming to eliminate all traffic fatalities and serious injuries, while increasing safe, equitable mobility by changing how we design, use, and view our streets
▪ Worked on developing a place-based, community-centered design process, where stakeholders are directly involved in the creation, selection, and piloting of new ideas for a new road safety plan in Northwest Chicago, which were implemented by the Department of Transportation
o Directed mapping exercises in Belmont-Cragin and West Humboldt Park, exploring area on-foot and identifying key destinations, community assets, & traffic problem areas; produced neighborhood reports
o Administered in-depth interviews with community stakeholders to better understand lived experiences and perspectives of some of the most vulnerable road users (e.g., kids, disabled people, bikers)
o Conducted and produced walkability audits, leading neighborhood walks & bike rides with community members, taking stock of the current conditions on the ground for different modes of transportation

Jun 2021 - Aug 2021


Yale University, New Haven, CT, US, Bachelors, Architecture

Pursuing B.A. in Architecture and Certificate in Energy Studies.

Jun 2022 - current

Areas of Specialization 
