I've always looked and enjoyed learning and observing architecture buildings that reflect symbiosis with nature and fusion with the outside. I truly believe in sustainability as a one way path through design.
I am a freelance architect and I love representing architecture getting to communicate designs decisions that help transmit alive images.
I also love being part of the design process, being able to reflect intentions and looking after them in a back and forth path
Studio nato, New York, NY, US, 3D artist and design team member
I was in charge of representations within design process throughout graphic images that get to easily visualise the space both for designers as for clients.
I also was in charge of shop drawings for furnitures and construction wise details
I was part of the design team, being involved in every stage of projects
BIENAL AROZTEGUI - International competition in Brasil, 2nd Place
Competition named for “introduction to bio-environmental design” introducing a project with passive and active design studying climate and how to design in response to this.