Architectural designer with unique expertise in sustainable building systems and materials, attainable housing, systems thinking, and design research. Seeking an early career position in a professional practice where I can contribute my unique capabilities in digital technology, ecological design, project finance, and physical model fabrication. Keen interest in integrated architecture and development civic, cultural, and residential projects.
DVDL Design Decisions, New York, NY, US, Architecture Intern
Beyond the Built Environment, Washington, DC, US, Research Intern
Chicago Department of Planning and Development, Chicago, IL, US, Planning Design Intern
Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, NY, US, Masters, Built Ecologies
Master of Science in Architectural Sciences – Built Ecologies
Achieved expertise in design research, financial modeling, low-income housing finance and policy, ecological design, and modular construction techniques, culminating in the thesis ‘HOME 1.0: Framework for Affordable Housing’ a comprehensive approach emphasizing energy efficiency in design decisions for affordable housing solutions.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, US, BArch, Architecture
Bachelor of Architecture, Minor in Management
Achieved expertise in architecture and sustainable design, with minor in management for business operations, project, and financial management capabilities for integrated architecture and development ambitions.
Paul B. and Barbara J. Zuber Award, Award
Awarded for service and leadership to the Institute and their community while maintaining outstanding academic performance.
Faculty Award for Service, Award
Awarded for outstanding service to the School of Architecture.
NOMA Future Faces Fellow, Award
Awarded by the National Organization of Minority Architects for service, leadership, and design excellence.