My name is JUAN FRANCISCO URÍA VALLEJO, I am a 25 year-old Ecuadorian young architect. I have a degree in architecture from Universidad San Francisco de Quito and a Master in Design from University of Miami.
I am passionate about being in constant study of architecture. I have had the opportunity to live in three different cities; Quito, Whitehall (MI), Miami and Barcelona. This has given me the ability to understand architecture in different ways. I am interested in housing architecture and how humans can inhabit a place. During the last few years I have designed educational and professional projects for housing, offices, art and urban planning. Other passions that I exercise other than architecture are photography and art through watercolors, ceramics and sculpture.
University of Miami, School of Architecture, Miami, FL, US, Research Assistantship U.Miami - RADLAB
AWE XR Competition - Meta Vision design and presentation.
Research and details for Smart Mirror project. Using Adobe XD
presented at eMerge Americas 2023.
Rendering with Shapespark - Miami Cancer Research Building.
University of Miami College of Architecture, Miami, FL, US, Research Assistantship U.Miami - Charlotte Von Moss
Research for preliminary projects in Mexico for the Pavillion Expo
in Ciudad de Mexico Competition.
Vizcaya Studio pre-analysis for housing studio.
TEC TALLER, Quito, EC, Junior Architect, Project Mangment
Planimetry drawer for the published magazine:
Trama Colecciones TEC-EC. 2021
Colaboration with the design and 3D Modeling of projects like:
Interlace House, Squadra House and Oribu Residences.
Design and Construction of amenities in project FORESTA 048.
Constuction Resident and Junior Architect in the project
Obrum, Quito, EC, Intership in Architecture
OBRUM - Construction and Studio
Design in residence projects of future projects near Cumbaya.
3D Modeling in mixed used projects in Quito, Ecuador.
Collaboration with representation in BAQ (Quito Architecture
Biennial) with the project Corporativo 194.
Daza Architecture Studio, Quito, EC, Intership in Architecture
DAZA Architecture Studio
Exterior and Interior Design for unifamiliar houses in “La Viña”.
3D Modeling of landscape and project.
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, US, MArch, Architecture Design
Master in Science in Architecture Design Tr.
University of Miami - GPA: 4,00
Universidad San Francisco (USFQ), Quito, EC, BArch, Architecture
Bachelor in Architecture and Urban Design
Universidad San Francisco de Quito - GPA:3,75
UIC (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya), Barcelona, ES, BArch, Architecture
Bachelor in Architecture and Design
Universidad Internacional de Cataluña - GPA:3,90
USFQ Honourable Mention, 1st Place
USFQ Honourable Mention
Instituto de Arte Superior “el Camal”
Finalist and Honourable Mention in Ilustration, Honorable Mention
Finalist and Honourable Mention in Ilustration
Shadow Pavilion Competition.
USFQ Honourable Mention, 1st Place
USFQ Honourable Mention
Concurso Ampliación Museo del Prado
USFQ Honourable Mention, 1st Place
USFQ Honourable Mention
Biblioteca y Archivo de la ciudad de Quito.
USFQ Honourable Mention, 1st Place
USFQ Honourable Mention
Facultad de Arquitectura de Quito.
USFQ Honourable Mention, Honorable Mention
USFQ Honourable Mention
Centro Cultural Cumbaya.
Full Scholarship Award for Architecture Degree, Scholarship
Year: 2015
Location: Barcelona, Spain.
UIC University