Berina Tochi

Berina Tochi

Skopje, MK

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Hello, my name is Berina Tochi and I'm graduated with a passion for creating innovative and sustainable designs. I received my degree in Architecture from Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul, Turkey, a cosmopolitan city that exposed me to a diverse range of cultures and design styles.

Studying in Istanbul allowed me to gain a unique perspective on architecture and design, as I was able to observe and learn from some of the world's most iconic buildings and urban landscapes. This experience has shaped my approach to design, inspiring me to create spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing, but also culturally sensitive and sustainable.

After graduation, I moved to Macedonia, my hometown.

I believe that my diverse background and experiences have given me a well-rounded perspective that allows me to approach design challenges with creativity and innovation.

I am always looking for new opportunities to collaborate and grow as a professional. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss potential projects.

If you are interested in seeing some of my work, please check out my portfolio.



Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, TR, BArch, Architecture

Jan 2023 - Jul 2023

High School of Architecture, "Zdravko Cvetkovski", Skopje, MK, High School, Technical of Architecture

Sep 2013 - Jun 2017

Areas of Specialization 
