Mariana Aellos

Mariana Aellos

Bogotá, CO

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As a future professional, I believe that there mustbe a meaning within the physical and visual  aspects of architecture. The value of a space comes from the concept it emanated from. I am interested in learning and experimenting with the Psychology of Architecture and Design, the effects that spaces have on the actions and sensations of human beings. I am interested in continuing to work on my 3D modeling skills since these, hand in hand with the tools learned in the design option - such as concepts, moodboards, storyboards, collages and illustrations - allow me to give a clearer perception of the atmosphere proposed in each space.

I have developed skills for teamwork, delegation and problem solving effectively and efficiently. Managing pressure and meeting many requirements in an environment of constant change have been elements that I have had to face and manage, achieving, most of the time, obtaining results above those expected.


Architectural Engineering, Bogotá, CO, arquitectural designer

Development of modeling works and generation of architectural schemes.
Elaboration of pre-design plans, revision of structural pre-design and analysis of foundations for the Torres North Point Studio project in Bogotá, Colombia.

Jul 2022 - current


Universidad de los Andes, BArch, arquitectura

Aug 2017 - current
