Can Erogul

Can Erogul

Jersey City, NJ, US

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As studying in arcihtectural department , instructors were appreciated for his passionate and his enthusiastism . In meantime , He started working part time in a design office, therefore he had a chance to develop very early in professional world . After graduation he had well knowledge about architecture literature hence , He believes respect to being an architect and architecture realm.




Cmss design, New York, NY, US, Architect freelance

Sep 2019 - current

Eke Architectural office, Izmir, TR, Desginer

Jan 2013 - Jan 2014

Tuna Architectural office, Izmir, TR, Desginer

Jan 2010 - Jan 2012


Cyprus International University, Nicosia, IT, BArch, Architecture

Jan 2014 - Jun 2018

University of Dokuz Eylul, Izmir, TR, High School, Consturction

Sep 2012 - Sep 2014

Areas of Specialization 
