Democritus University of Thrace, School of Engineering, Department of Architecture,
Xanthe, GR,
5 years Master
Sep 2000 - Jul 2008
Areas of Specialization
Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, Urban Planning, Engineering, Photography, Interactive Design, Graphic Design / Signage, Writing, Furniture Design
(+10years) 3dsmax, ( + 8 Years ) ArchiCAD, Scetchup, & Beginner's Knowledge Revit, ( + 10 years) Maya, (+ 10 years) Adobe CC: Photoshop - Illustrator - Indesign - Premiere, Beginner level Blender, ( + 10 years ) Microsoft office applications, (+20 yr) Windows, (+5 yr) MAC OS, &(+10 years) AutoCAD, (+1 year) Cinema 4D, & Vray for 3DS Max, In addition to my computer abilities I am also skilled in small scale model building and wood workin, Exceptional hand drawing skills