Minquan Wang is an architectural designer at KPF New York. He received his M.Arch at Yale School of Architecture, where he was the recipient of the 2017 H.I.Feldman Prize, YSoA's annual award for the best student project produced in advanced studios. He received his B.Arch at Tsinghua University. He previously worked at AECOM Beijing, CAG Atelier Lixinggang, and Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design Group. Minquan stands out in architectural design and urban design with high technical profiency, unique sensibility, and conceptual rigor. He holds a special interest in how design negotiates between various agencies and reshapes social relationships in urban contexts.
CAG Atelier Li Xinggang, Beijing, CN, Intern
Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai, CN, Intern
H.I. Feldman Prize, Yale School of Archtecture, Award