Excited architecture graduate of bachelor, specialising in small, medium and large
scale residential and commercial buildings. Getting inspirations all around the
world and trying to apply them in upcoming projects with new perspective
of view. After possessing 4 years of architetural student experience, working on
becoming a modern architect. Seeking theorical and practical experience alongside
challenging work life with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
A Architectural Design, Ankara, Architectural Intern
Preparing daily and weekly project layouts to present
Working on high-rise buildings with various softwares
Having official documents signed for project process
Executing any task given by senior architects until deadline
Turquoise Architecture, Konya, Architectural Intern
Analysing buildings from 2D CAD files
Remodeling ruined residences in Revit
Modeling parametric objects in Revit (windows, doors, railings, columns, etc.)
Bubba Gump Shrimp House, Charleston, SC, Server
Encouraging people to sign up for Landry Select Club Membership.
Organizing the storage of all needs in restaurant.
Convincing guests not to use plastics that harms environment
University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Warsaw, BArch, Architecture