I recently moved to the US from Italy, where I've been working as a designer and project manager for the last 7 years. Coming from the town that is known in Italy as "the capital of furniture", my main interest and focus has always been on interior design and I've had the chance to work closely not only on concepts and sketches, but on all phases of the design and production processes.
Freelance, Interior designer and project manager
Conception and design of custom spaces | Single contact person for client, contractors and suppliers | Sketch and CAD drawings | Research of furniture,
fixtures, materials and finishes | Mock-ups and 3D views | Quotes and orders |
Monitoring of building sites
Camagni Arredamenti, Cantu', IT, Designer and Assistant project manager
Realization of custom spaces and furniture | Full management of each
project, from quotation to completion | Surveys and travels worldwide | Design
and millwork CAD drawings | Research on newest materials and technologies
| Quotes and orders | Monitoring of building sites and production sites.
Ideolab, Milan, IT, Project designer
Cooperation on the launch of this start-up focused on furniture with technological content, looking at shopping experience enhancement and selling targets | Development of each project from concept to detail | 2D + 3D drawing |
Research on latest technologies and tecniques for customer engagement.
Gradizeroseitre, Milan, IT, Project designer
Conception and design of retail spaces and furniture with a focus on visual
communication | Development of each project from concept to detail | 2D + 3D
drawing, renderings and presentations | Contacts with clients and suppliers.
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, IT, Masters, Architecture
Project thesis: “Santo Spirito. A theatral citadel in the middle of venetian lagoon”
Accademia Adrianea di Architettura e Archeologia Onlus, Milan, IT, Masters, ARCHITECTURE, ARCHEOLOGY AND MUSEUM DESIGN
Itinerant Master's Degree focused on Innovative design and Management of Archaeological Heritage.