I am a current Rural Studio thesis student; designing, building, and occupying affordable housing in Hale County Alabama.
Kasita, Austin, TX, US, Design Professional
Design professional working on modular stackable housing schemes. Completing design and specifications for a second iteration of the Kasita housing prototype. This experience included work in AutoCAD, vectorworks, and various adobe programs; in addition to sketching, physical models consultant collaboration, and small scale mock-ups.
CincoLab, Austin, TX, US, Energy Modeler
Energy modeler documenting and analyzing building designs as a part of an environmental consultant team. Working on projects from prestigious Texas firms including but not limited to Lake Flato. Thorough energy modeling completed in a combination of OpenStudio, EnergyPlus, SketchUp and AutoCAD, with documentation and presentation in excel, and adobe programs.
GT Scale Models, Miami, FL, US, Assistant Model Builder
Assistant builder of photo-realistic models for realtors, developers, and architects. Models were constructed using a variety of mediums and tools for both precision and detail.
SCB, Chicago, IL, US, Intern Architect
Architectural associate designing in various CAD programs such as AutoCAD, Revit, and ArchiCAD. Developed and constructed presentation quality models of new projects for client meetings.
Village Architects, Key Biscayne, FL, US, Intern Architect
Intern architect redlining and refining construction documents. Primarily working on high-end residential homes in south Florida.
The Rural Studio, Newbern, AL, US, Design Build
Member of a 4 person thesis team, designing, building, and occupying to test homes for detailed affordable housing research.
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, US, BArch, Design Professional
Bachelor of Architecture, Honors Scholar, Cum Laude
Alabama Concrete Masonry Association Design Competition Winner, 1st Place
Concrete design competition winner for 3rd year fall studio at Auburn University.