Studio Moraldi, Firenze, IT, Junior Architect
Experienced a good design skills producing in a short time 2D drawings, render views
and diagrams for private clients.
Done from start to end the evolutionary process of a project dealing with procedures,
licenses and builders.
Studio Anzilotti Associati, Firenze, IT, Intern
Improved graphic skills and communication of projects trough the creation of several 2D
drawings, diagram and data analysis.
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Facoltà di Architettura, Firenze, MArch, LCM 4c.u
Master’s degree in ARCHITECTURE,(LM-4 C.U. - Class of master’s degrees
in Architecture and construction engineering-architecture (fi ve-year). vote 110/110
Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Lisboa, PT, Bachelors, Erasmus+ programme
Master’s degree in ARCHITECTURE
LLP/Erasmus student mobility program in Europe.