Zepa Tshendup

Zepa Tshendup

Springfield, MO, US



Born & raised in the tiny Himalayan country of Bhutan.

My hobbies are all over the place, I'm interested in pretty much everything. My first interest was making paper models and my first paper model was a magic pencil, basically a pencil with a head. 

I'm a vegetarian by choice, I love animals and I'm hard-working by nature. 



ARTS Group, Suzhou, CN, Internship

Making models.
Producing drawings.
Schematic design.

May 2016 - Jul 2016


Drury University, Springfield, MO, US, MArch, Architecture

Masters in Architecture.
Minor in Fine Arts.

Aug 2012 - May 2017


Museum #9066, Nomination

The #9066 Museum is on the site of the Rohwer War Relocation Center to memorialize those who were interned there. It was an interment camp for Japanese-Americans taken from their homes on the west coast. The Museum would house a permanent exhibit for art and artifacts of the lives of the internees before, during, and after their time at the camp. The museum would also have space for a traveling exhibit, gift shop, and an exterior reflection space. The driving concept behind the building is representing the life of the internees through a timeline of events. The building does this through its forms and location of exhibits in respect to the entrance. A physically demanding design that emphasizes on the hardships the internees had to go through.


Areas of Specialization 
