anna rita emili

anna rita emili

Rome, IT

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altro_studio’s owner and researcher of Architectural Planning at the School of Architecture and Design "E.Vittoria" University of Camerino, branch of Ascoli Piceno.

In 2014 she becames  member of worldwide IAD (International Association of Design). In 2015 she has been included in the list of top international designer "Design Legend" (Design Legends is the hall of fame for Design, Listing the World'sBest Designer.The Best of Best Architects, Innovation and Creative) "-

She publish some books titled: La copertura/tema archítettonico, ed Diagonale, Rome 1999;  Richard Buckminster Fuller e le Neoavanguardie, Rome, 2003; Altro_studio,from the temporary house to the iiving unit  Rome  2005; Pure end simple, the architecture of New Brutalism , Rome, 2008;  Architettura Estrema, il Neo Brutalismo alla prova della contemporaneità, Macerata, 2010;. altro_studio from the temporary house to the living unit (II book) Plug in, Genoa 2014; Mobilità Elettrica Plug-In Genoa, 2016; Utopia e teoria, dalle Neoavanguardie alla contemporaneità,Quodlibet, Macerata,2016

Hers architectural projects have been published in many international architectural books and reviews 

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