D'Apostrophe Design, Inc., New York, NY, US, Project Manager
Working on single family residential projects around the country as well as project managing residential and commercial projects within New York City. Responsible for construction document management, construction administration, and all other phases of project development. Specializing in design direction through detail drawings as well as material research.
Studio Marchetti Architecture, New York, NY, US, Project Architect
Working on design development and CDs for townhouses in New York and country
houses in the Hamptons as well as upstate NY
Preservation Green LLC, New York, NY, US, Graduate Architect
Worked on design development and CDs for townhouses in Brooklyn and Washington D.C. as well as other construction projects in New York City (freelance)
PW + WG Architects, Pittsburgh, PA, US, Graduate Architect
Worked on final bid sets and CDs for botique hotels throughout the country as well as historic restoration projects in Pittsburgh
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, US, IT Assistant
Worked with the IT Administrator for the architecture department
Worked on cluster PC Software updates/installs as well as support for faculty PCs
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, AU, BArch, Architecture
Study Abroad Semester
1st Place Winner- NDIS ‘Whole of Life - Whole of Use’ Competition
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, US, BArch, Architecture
Urban Design Build Studio
Materials and Assembly
Building Physics
Real Estate Design and Development
Human Factors in Architecture
Issues of Practice
Vincentian Academy, Pittsburgh, PA, US, High School, International Baccalaureate
2014 NDIS Whole of Life-Whole of Use Competition, 1st Place
This is an award I won with a partner during my semester abroad in Sydney Australia at the University of New South Wales. I was working on a project in a competition studio competing against 3 other Australian universities. The competition involved designing a universal design housing project in Northern Queensland. We won the competition.
The entry can be seen in my work sample.