Benidich Healthcare Clinic, Whiting, IN, US, Interior Designer
Freelance work for local clinic responsible for the concept, budget and management of the project.
Hangzhou Architecture Design & Research Institute Co. LTD, Hangzhou, CN, Designer Assistant
Assist architect to Make diagram and construction drawing for the project: Wenzhou Guangfu Road Shopping Street.
X-cube Design and Construction Company, Shanghai, CN, Architecture Designer
Developed the concept and scheme for the project: Cargo Box reconstructed Outdoor Sunna Box, which targets for North Europe market. Designed the new office of the X-cube company, including the scheme, space, furniture and lighting.
AMBROSIUS Engineer Co., Shanghai, CN, Project Assistant
Helped to manage the project: Bremen Pavalion in Shanghai International EXPO Puxi “Urban Best Practice Area”. Worked on construction drawing, communicating with contractor, ordering materials and helping managing on-site installation.
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, US, MArch, Master of Architecture Emphasis on Interior Architecture
I have involved in Master of Architecture program in 2011, with an emphasis in Interior Architecture. successfully accomplished a series of projects of renovation of old buildings and interior redesign. I have been trained to skillfully use various types of architectural design software and graphic design software, including Auto Revit, Auto CAD, Sketchup, Rhino, Photoshop and Illustrator.
Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, Shanghai, CN, Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts Exhibition Design and Plan
I have involved in Exhibition Design and Planning program, aquired the degree of Bachelor of Arts. During study I learned retail store design, pavilion architecture design, commercial exhibition design, hospitality design and so on.
ATTACHMENTS 2014 Graduation Exhibition, Honorable Mention
The graduate project was selected to display in the 2014 graduation show of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Student Leadership Award, Honorable Mention
I waa honorable mentioned for Student Leadership Award as the leader of Chinese Student Association of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
College Logo Design Competition, Award
I was awarded as Best Effect Award of College Logo Design Competition of Shanghai Institute of Visual Art.