Cornell University, Plant Sciences, Ithaca, NY, US, Research Assistant
Revitalized woody plant website for Cornell University’s Urban Horticulture Institute
Wrote horticultural research articles
Organized plant mortality data for NY Consortium of Coastal Parks
Co-taught online continuing education course on garden design
Cornell University, Plant Sciences, Ithaca, NY, US, Garden Designer/Research Assistant
Supervised care and management of 16 gardens and one green roof
Designed and created ornamental plantings
Designed and implemented a drought/flooding planting trial on native and sustainable shrub species for use in planted stormwater infiltration practices
Cornell Plantations, Ithaca, NY, US, Mundy Wildflower Garden Intern
Maintained 8-acre wildflower garden
Designed, propagated, inventoried, and installed plantings
Restored native lawn area
Supervised and trained volunteers
Participated in natural areas invasive species control programs
Organized instruction from representatives of Cornell Plantations branches of operation
Researched and designed new historically appropriate gardens for the Harriet Tubman Home, Auburn, NY
Cornell University, Plant Sciences, Ithaca, NY, US, Research Assistant/Co-Instructor
Supervised care and management of 16 gardens and one green roof
Designed and installed new acid soil garden bed
Assisted in the management of experimental hybrid oak propagation plots and greenhouses
Collected, restored, and replaced photographs for Cornell University’s Urban Horticulture Institute’s woody plant website
New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, New York, NY, US, Gardener
Mediated the relationship between a privately funded council and the NYC Parks Department
Designed and installed all new plantings, utilizing largely native or suitable sustainable plants
Introduced composting system
Designed and installed an erosion control shade garden
Managed horticultural oversight for over 13 parks and greenstreets
Supervised over 100 volunteers
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, US, Masters, Masters of Professional Studies in Horticulture
Best Overall Design, Award
My team received the best overall Design award for a project we created during the 2012 Cornell/Shanghai Jiao Tong University Design Charrette