Preservation Design Partnership, LLC

Preservation Design Partnership, LLC

Philadelphia, PA


Historic Preservation Master Plan for the City of St. Augustine

In the summer of 2015, PDP was selected to produce the first Historic Preservation Master Plan for the City of St. Augustine, Florida.  The intent of the Plan is to identify the future goals for the long-term protect of the City’s historic character and neighborhoods as well as the below-ground archaeological resources that provide a clearer picture of the lives of the earliest settlers.

The Plan will include a review of existing conditions and documentation as well as recommendations to address:

  • Identification of additional historic resources and neighborhoods
  •  Modifications to the Historic Preservation ordinance to minimize the demolition of historic properties
  • Modification of the Zoning Ordinance to provide protection of undesignated historic neighborhoods without the full regulatory control associated with historic designation
  • Streamlining of the application review process by providing clearer direction to applicants and a framework for Staff approval of minor applications
  • An administrative framework to better respond to natural disasters including hurricanes and storm surge
  • Modification of buildings in response to sea level rise
  • Enhancement of archaeological protection and documentation programs, particularly in light of sea level rise
  • Financial incentives to encourage preservation of existing historic resources

To ensure that the Plan addresses local needs and issues, the plan includes regular public meetings as well as engagement with local officials, stakeholders, and regulatory Boards and Commissions.

The Plan is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2017. 

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: St. Augustine, Florida