Politecnico di Milano, Milan, IT, Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor Ist semester
Integration of:
Environmental Architecture and Sustainable Design (ICAR 15)
to the Course:
Multi -Scale Architecture and Urban Design Studio 3
Head professor: Roberto Spagnolo | Ordinary professor in Architecture
Politecnico of Milan
Freelance, Bergamo, IT, Architecture | Interior | Urban design
Arch. Andrea Bellocchio, Bergamo, IT, Architect Collaborator
Role: Preliminary, Definitive and Executive design. Realization of plastic Models, virtual 3d models, Render. Responsible of project presentations and graphics design
DiArchitetturaStudio, Bergamo, IT, Architect - Collaborator
Role: Preliminary, Definitive and Executive design. Realization of plastic Models, virtual 3d models, Render. Metric survey of architecture. Responsible of project presentations and graphics design
Studio 3M03, Brescia, Architect - Collaborator
Role: Preliminary, Definitive and Executive design. Realization of plastic Models, virtual 3d models, Render. Metric survey of architecture. Responsible of project presentations and graphics design
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT, PhD, Architecture and Urban Design
Ph.D in Architecture and Urban Design - XXV cycle - Department of architecture and Urban Studies (DASTU)
Thesis: “Building demolition. Interrupted design and discontinuity within the process of urban settlement regeneration”
Evaluation: with Honour
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT, Masters, Architecture
Master Thesis: “Sevilla, Guadalquivir’s margin regeneration: new inhabited intervals”
Evaluation: 110/110 with Honors
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT, Bachelors, Architecture
Thesis: “Contemporary Museums between image and content”
Evaluation: 105/110
Liceo Artistico Vincenzo Foppa, Brescia, IT, High School, Art school
Evaluation: 100|100 with Honorable Mention