Architect and business professional with a global perspective and ability to manage cross cultural teams. Dedicated to design, management and development of architectural projects of different scales. With 8 years of experience in public and private sector, participating in competitions, leading design and construction teams. Educated in both architecture and business at top universities in Chile, Italy and the US.
Independent Work, Santiago, CL, Project Architect
* Worked on architectural projects along Chile, from designing to overseeing construction.
* Recent projects include - design of a hotel in Pucón, an energy-efficient house in Paine, residential projects around Pucón, Villarrica, and Santiago, among others.
* Designed, budgeted and managed over 10 renovation projects in Santiago.
IGLESIS PRAT ARQUITECTOS, Santiago, CL, Project Architect
* Responsible for the design and development of large public projects such as Quellón Hospital, Ancúd Hospital, Balmaceda Airport, among others.
* Managed and coordinated cross functional teams.
Arqui-k, Santiago, CL, Project Manager
* Responsible for design, planning, development, management and implementation of real estate, corporate and residential projects in both architectural and landscaping aspects.
* Lead manager of the design team.
* Led construction teams, materializing the projects developed by the design team.
* In charge of coordinating suppliers and customer’s presentations.
SRCEI (Government Institution), Temuco, CL, Project Manager
* Managed projects implemented within the Special Plan for Reconstruction of the offices affected by the earthquake of February 27th, 2010.
* Developed the design, technical specifications, tender documents and technical support for the implementation and execution of construction projects and technical inspections of all offices (about 50) in the region of Araucanía.
DAVID & LETELIER ARCHITECTS, Pucón, CL, Project Architect
* Manager of the Architecture Project: "Villarrica Cultural Center" for Villarrica county, in addition to the coordination of all specialties of the project.
* In charge of the formal presentation of this project to the National Council for Culture and Arts, and Villarrica’s Community.
* Developed housing projects at the same office.
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, CL, Masters, Global MBA
Global MBA Scholarship for Academic Excellence for studies in Chile and abroad in global business management, including a study tour through Hong Kong, China and South Korea. Full time program.
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, US, Masters, Master of Science in Management
Part of the dual degree program started in Chile (Global MBA). Full time. The program includes courses as Organization and Strategy, Real estate, Leadership, among others.
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, CL, MArch, Architecture
The most prestigious University of the country. The program included 4 years to obtain the Bachelor degree in Architecture and 2 years to obtain the Master degree.
Università IUAV di Venezia, Venice, IT, BArch, Foreign exchange program in Architecture
Foreign exchange program, including a workshop with the Spanish arquitect Carme Pinós.
Global MBA, Scholarship
The Global MBA's main distinctive points are: the most complete and highly selective admission process for MBA programs in Chile with several hundred of applications per year; a focus on excellence, diversity and meritocracy.
Ruta Quetzal Argentaria, Award
International Award "Ruta Quetzal Argentaria" sponsored by the Spanish King and Queen for writing a short story. The prize included an educational tour to Spain, Portugal, Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago, following Christopher Columbus' 3rd path to America.