Pablo Aedo

Pablo Aedo

Santiago, CL


Quincho Pirque

The Pirque Barbecue project was commissioned by a couple who are friends of ours, the architects. The objective was to develop a recreation area protected from inclement weather and equipped with sufficient basic services to stay overnight for a whole weekend, except for sleeping. This is necessary because a house is planned to be built on the same plot of land, but this will be executed several years later. For now, the land will be used for recreational gatherings with friends and family, taking advantage of the vast terrain for camping and using the barbecue area as a meeting place.

The design consists of a steel structure that will support a series of wooden beams with a sufficient slope to naturally guide the water downhill. Around the perimeter, double walls are placed, with sliding partitions inside that will allow the barbecue area to be completely enclosed when necessary. The core services of the barbecue area include a bathroom, storage closets, a work counter, and a shower, which also contribute to the stiffness and horizontal stability of the structure. The barbecue area is positioned on the boundary with the neighbor to the southeast, providing privacy.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Pirque, CL
Additional Credits: Alex Heselaars (Architect)
Diego Melero (Architect)