Indianapolis, IN
Confluent Threads is the physical manifestation of the goals, aspirations, and history of Alexandria, VA. The community, one of the most diverse in the area, is proud of the melting pot it has created. The colorful lines represent individual members of a community. All members are unique, colorful, and distinct. As the threads continue from the east to the west, the threads intermix, tangle, and explode in a cacophony of color, similar to the cultural exchange that makes Alexandria stand out.
Designed for a local library, the original project brief proposed utilizing the lawn in front of the building. However, through observation and discussion with librarians and patrons alike, the brutal building facade seemed to be a common thread of discussion. The impersonal, harsh concrete walls provide a canvas for artwork that becomes a billboard for both the library and Alexandria as a whole.
The project’s form is derived from the knitting or weaving of threads. The idea of a “thread” holds many connotations. The thread of familial heritage, the interconnectedness of people, or the weaving of generations mixing together are all themes that can be applied to the formal language of the project. The spectrum of color compliments the chaotic formation of lines and enhances the feeling of linear transformation.
Status: Built