Onyx Creative

Onyx Creative

Cleveland, OH | Los Angeles, CA | Ventura, CA | Baltimore, MD | Atlanta, GA | Tucson, AZ | Portland, ME



The second generation of online retail

We are experiencing the second generation of online retail and its impact on store design. The first generation created shopping habits ensuring people could trust buying over the internet. The impact on global shopping trends was seismic. Now that this trust has been established, and online brands have created their followers, brands are looking to re-occupy physical space. Before this retail shift stores and the brand were identical but today stores are extensions of a website.

Fabletics was born on the internet. They generate over a billion dollars in retail sales in the growing ‘active-lifestyle’ category. In order to continue to compete in their sector, it was clear that Fabletics needed physical stores. However, in our digital society, stores shifted from the only point of sale to act as a showroom and fitting rooms. The stores functionally augment their online presence.

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Status: Built
Location: Bellevue, WA, US
Firm Role: Architect