Amber Freda NYC Home & Garden Design

Amber Freda NYC Home & Garden Design

New York, NY


Brooklyn, NYC Backyard Patio and Rooftop Terrace Garden Design

This Brooklyn townhouse features bluestone patios and custom-built wood planters for both a rooftop terrace and a ground-level backyard.  The two spaces are like night and day in terms of the amount of sunlight they receive.  The quiet, Zen-like backyard is shaded by surrounding buildings, so we picked a shade-tolerant mix of dogwoods, rose-of-sharons, rhododendrons, and Japanese andromedas to plant here.  The sunny, lively roof garden is also more exposed and windier than the ground-level garden, so we picked a hardy sun-loving mix of junipers, crape myrtles, roses, and flowering perennials.  Both garden spaces are watered using automated drip irrigation systems.  They are lit at night with an automated low-voltage up-lighting system that runs through all the planters.

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Status: Built
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Firm Role: Design & Installation