Nicola Guan

Nicola Guan

Oakland, CA, US

Office lobby (hand sketch, SketchUp, AutoCAD, actual samples of material and finish)
Office lobby (hand sketch, SketchUp, AutoCAD, actual samples of material and finish)
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Various Interior Design projects

These are interior design projects from different space type.

- Commerical space - Office lobby: interial design and material&finishes selections

- Commerical space - Retail space: color scheme and interial design

- Hopitality - Hotel room: interial design and material&finishes selections

- Healthcare - Dental examination room: interial design and material&finishes selections

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Status: School Project
Location: Various locations
My Role: Lead and Sole Designer

Retail Space (Acrylic, Illustrator, SketchUp, collage)
Retail Space (Acrylic, Illustrator, SketchUp, collage)
Hotel room (SketchUp, AutoCAD, actual samples of material and finish)
Hotel room (SketchUp, AutoCAD, actual samples of material and finish)
Dental examination room(SketchUp, AutoCAD, actual samples of material and finish)
Dental examination room(SketchUp, AutoCAD, actual samples of material and finish)