Nicholas Andolino

Nicholas Andolino

San Diego, CA, US

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I am an architect in training looking to sharpen my skills and work with collaborative design communities.


McFarlane Architects, San Diego, CA, US, Architectural Designer

I worked directly with project managers to produce drawings from the
schematic design phase all the way to construction administration. During this design process, I coordinate tasks with the project manager and the design team. We primarily used Revit for 3D modeling and
construction documents.

Jul 2021 - Feb 2024

Cummins Architecture and Design, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, US, Architectural Draftsman

Under the guidance of the lead architect, I created plans and details in the design development and construction document phases. I utilized Chief Architect to create our 3D models and renderings. I learned how to review changes, make sure information is conveyed clearly, and ensure every sheet is consistent.

Mar 2020 - Jun 2021


Cal Baptist University, Riverside, CA, US, MArch, Architecture

As I studied architectural design, I produced drawings and models for buildings in typologies such as schools, churches, theatres, and commercial spaces. I also learned about architectural theory in a Christian setting while gaining a knowledge base for small business management and project management.

Sep 2020 - May 2021

Cal Baptist University, Riverside, CA, US, BArch, Architecture

Sep 2016 - May 2020