ngo + pasierbiński

ngo + pasierbiński

Meditation Hut - exterior Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - exterior
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
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Komorebi - meditation hut in Portugal - 3rd Prize

Walking down the hill stands the cabin, visible from afar but concealing the interior. One has to bow down and stoop to get under the roof. Sheltered by shadows, hidden in darkness, take off the shoes, ablute the feet, purify the body, let the eyes adapt. With all senses sharpened, climb up and enter. Become one with light and darkness, void and object, space and time. Be present.

 The oculus let the light penetrate the space illuminating the interior and gently revealing meditation space. The constant rhythm of clouds brightens the interior revealing all details, only to then re-hide surrounding in the dark, according to the smooth breath of nature. Light equally partners with the darkness.

The void between the diagonal roof and a horizontal floor reveals the nature beneath. Grass rippling the wind, humming trees, and singing birds remind us again about the presence of mother nature.

A gentle breeze flowing from the bottom up through the interior, brushing the skin, completes the connection between the Earth and the Sky.

 There is nothing more than basics. No distraction. The interior is raw and the space is pure. A simple roof links to the sky and opens to the earth. The merger of the use of rational, minimalist shapes and the presence of natural materials, highlights the strength of its pure geometry.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Amieira, PT
Firm Role: Author

Meditation Hut - exterior Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - exterior
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - exterior Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - exterior
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - interior Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - interior
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - interior Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - interior
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - interior Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - interior
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - plan Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - plan
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - section Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - section
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - detail Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - detail
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - axonometry Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - axonometry
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - site section Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - site section
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - masterplan Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - masterplan
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - entrance Authors: ngo + pasierbiński
Meditation Hut - entrance
Authors: ngo + pasierbiński