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Driven Away: The Role of Urban Planning in a Car-Dependent Society

America's fascination with cars is nothing new. A 1918 illustration in The Oakland Tribune As SPUR editor Allison Arieff mentions in The New York Times, a car-dependent culture can propel the issue of urban sprawl. America's fascination with cars is nothing new. The idea of driverless cars have obvious appeal for car-obsessed America. However, it can encourage the acceptance of urban sprawl. The Transmilenio in Bogota, Colombia picks up passengers every 10 seconds, transporting 1.6 million per day. In The New York Times, SPUR editor Allison Arieff discusses the need for innovation in American public transportation.

The Transmilenio in Bogota, Colombia picks up passengers every 10 seconds, transporting 1.6 million per day. In The New York Times, SPUR editor Allison Arieff discusses the need for innovation in American public transportation.

The Transmilenio in Bogota, Colombia picks up passengers every 10 seconds, transporting 1.6 million per day. In The New York Times, SPUR editor Allison Arieff discusses the need for innovation in American public transportation.