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Students go above the double-curve in “InFlux”, from AA Summer DLAB::RED

InFlux, overall view. Photo: Mathias Reisigl. InFlux, overall view. Photo: Mathias Reisigl. InFlux, detailed view. Photo: Mathias Reisigl. InFlux, detailed view. Photo: Mathias Reisigl. Custom tool developed in Processing, mesh relaxation according to local data. FEA analysis and resulting force-flow lines generated in Karamba. Algorithmic generation of form-work data for concrete casting. Robotic cell setup. Photo: Elif Erdine. Robotically milled EPS formwork. Photo: Elif Erdine. Robotically milled EPS formwork. Photo: Shaw Li.

Custom tool developed in Processing, mesh relaxation according to local data.

Custom tool developed in Processing, mesh relaxation according to local data.