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"A notch taller" than Burj Khalifa: check out these new renderings of Santiago Calatrava's megatall Dubai tower

All hail the temporarily tallest tower: rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Emaar Properties) Rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Emaar Properties) Rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Emaar Properties) Rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Emaar Properties) Rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Emaar Properties) Rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Santiago Calatrava) Rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Santiago Calatrava) Rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Santiago Calatrava)

All hail the temporarily tallest tower: rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Emaar Properties)

All hail the temporarily tallest tower: rendering of the Calatrava-designed Observation Tower at the Dubai Creek Harbor development. (Credit: Emaar Properties)