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The 2015 holiday gift-giving guide for architects

Gifted: Archinect's round-up of the best gifts for architects for 2015 (photo by JD Hancock via flickr.com) The Tiny Modernism onesie (image via tinymodernism.com) An example of Daniel DuGoff's clothing designs (courtesy ddugoff.com) Archie Archambault's mental maps (image via FastCompany) Arckit (image via The Guardian) Screenshot of 'Ex-Machina' Screenshot of Wim Wenders' 'Pina' Urban Fabric rugs (image courtesy four-o-nine.com) Screenshot of David Byrne's 'True Stories' Morpholio's Trace Pro app in action. The 3D printer/scanner hybrid Blacksmith Genesis. Vivos Group's high-end apocalyptic luxury shelter

An example of Daniel DuGoff's clothing designs (courtesy ddugoff.com)

An example of Daniel DuGoff's clothing designs (courtesy ddugoff.com)