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A plan to clean up the River Spree around Museum Island in Berlin

A rendering, based on a photograph by Adrian König, of realities:united's proposal to clean up a stretch of the River Spree in the center of Berlin. Credit: realities:united Section A – swimming pool. Credit: realities:united Section C – renaturized river. Credit: realities:united Section B – filter basin. Credit: realities:united Iso section C. Credit: realities:united Iso section B. Credit: realities:united A rendering of realities:united's proposal to clean up a stretch of the River Spree in the center of Berlin. Credit: realities:united Iso section A. Credit: realities:united

A rendering, based on a photograph by Adrian König, of realities:united's proposal to clean up a stretch of the River Spree in the center of Berlin. Credit: realities:united

A rendering, based on a photograph by Adrian König, of realities:united's proposal to clean up a stretch of the River Spree in the center of Berlin. Credit: realities:united