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A "Rock Legend" of organic modern

As seen from behind, the Kendrick Bangs Kellogg-designed organic modern house, embedded in a five-story mound of rounded boulders on the edge of Joshua Tree National Park in the California Photograph by Anthony Cotsifas via NYT Hoshino Chapel in Karuizawa, Japan, 1988 via http://www.kendrickbangskellogg.com/

As seen from behind, the Kendrick Bangs Kellogg-designed organic modern house, embedded in a five-story mound of rounded boulders on the edge of Joshua Tree National Park in the California Photograph by Anthony Cotsifas via NYT

As seen from behind, the Kendrick Bangs Kellogg-designed organic modern house, embedded in a five-story mound of rounded boulders on the edge of Joshua Tree National Park in the California Photograph by Anthony Cotsifas via NYT