I have owned and operated my own landscape design/build business for two years securing more than 30 clients. I have established a solid history of professional landscape design work and am ready to make the transition into a designer position with a leading firm. I work hard at growing my hand graphics skills everyday as my love for drawing was my initial purpose for studying landscape architecture. I have augmented my skill sets to include 3d modeling using Sketch-Up and Punch Home Design Pro as well as computer drafting using AutoCAD and Adobe Creative Suite.
Nio LanDesign, LLC, Xenia, OH, US, Owner/Landscape Designer
Obtain clients through networking and word of mouth to provide excellent landscape design and landscape detailing services at an affordable cost. Tasks include sketching and dimensioning of property, 3d modeling, generating master plans, planting, mulching, weed pulling and hedge trimming.
Grunder Landscape Company, Dayton, OH, US, Landscape Technician
Work as part of the landscaping team to understand the ground-level process of high-end landscaping, spring cleanup, planting, mulching, weed pulling & hedge trimming.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Bachelors, Landscape Architecture
Accredited Program; professional presentation of landscape site analysis, schematic design, design development and construction documentation to faculty & area professionals. Studied other aspects of landscape architecture including watershed management & site grading as well as the history behind the evolution of the profession.
Most Improved Design Award, Award
This award was given upon completion of the Senior Landscape Design IV Studio in June, 2010 for the Most Improved Design among a class of 20 students.