Multitude Design & Development Consultants LLP

Multitude Design & Development Consultants LLP

Pune, IN


Luxury Housing: Facade Design

Client: Private Developer
Location: Pune, India
Projected Built Up Area: 100,000+ Sq Ft
Project Type: Residential High Rise
Role: Facade Design & Consulting

The shipyard of Alang in Gujarat is one of the largest ship wreckage sites in the world. Salvaged wood from Alang is proposed as a cost effective/sustainable material choice for the facade of this mid-rise suburban residential project in Pune, India.

The client’s desire for an iconic yet cost efficient building skin was creatively delivered with attention to ease of workmanship and cheap availability of a sustainable material: salvaged wood. 

The facade comprises of 2x4 studs arrayed (horizontally and vertically) in an angular series catering to specific light and viewing conditions on the inside. The overall composition of the wooden facade is simple with standard details so as to make its construction easy and precise even by half-skilled and off season farm labors commonly employed in sub-urban construction sites across India.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Pune, IN
Firm Role: Facade Design
Additional Credits: Sneha Pandey