

Ankara, TR


Turkish Shooting Federation / 90th Anniversary Capital Polygon Complex

Competition Entry - 1st Prize

Our proposal for 90th Anniversary Capital Polygon Complex combines sports' functions with social, cultural and commercial activities that ensure the liveliness of the zone during both high and low seasons. In that sense, the main challenge of the project lies in understanding and implementing a range of "scale"s that are consistent both during olympic events (highdensity) and regular weekend trips (low density). Considering that the smallest polygon is almost the size of an olympic football range, the typical linear organization is thus out of equation for this project. What the project utilizes instead is a spiral promenade that wraps the polygons around a central focus, the final polygon. The spiral organization encourages interaction between various sports and social functions around a central "garden". The promenade thus turns the travel between two polygons into a weekend trip activity, providing views of the central garden and social activities in the zone.

A secondary outer ring connects open-air shooting activites (i.e. 300m polygon, trap and skeet courts, paintball) and other sports' activities and the bike park. All vehicular traffic in the zone is limited with the parking & racing zone on the southern border. Once a user enters the site, the means of transportation is limited to biking or walking, preserving the pedestrian identity of the zone.

The project is developed as a meditation on the problem of keeping olympic complexes alive after major events are completed. In that sense, the 90th Anniversary Capital Polygon Complex offers an alternative approach to the changing densities in the lifetime of olympic complexes.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Ankara, TR
Additional Credits: Middle East Technical University Dept. of Architecture

+4 level plan
+4 level plan