Has anyone got some interesting and cost effective solutions to refuse collection areas for existing late 19th century multi occupancy terraced housing that helps to reduce population increases in rodents?
Non Sequitur
Mar 6, 17 8:25 pm
Mar 6, 17 8:30 pm
Fire could work, I was thinking lots of cats.
Or possibly a steel container as they go through concrete easily.
Mar 7, 17 3:30 am
Close your garbage containers and get the trash picked up more often.
Has anyone got some interesting and cost effective solutions to refuse collection areas for existing late 19th century multi occupancy terraced housing that helps to reduce population increases in rodents?
Fire could work, I was thinking lots of cats.
Or possibly a steel container as they go through concrete easily.
Close your garbage containers and get the trash picked up more often.
Glue traps.
the MTA here in NY is giving "rat sterilization" a shot (no pun intended). here is the article (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/12/nyregion/as-rats-escape-death-mta-turns-to-sterilization.html)
the method is still questionable.
Buy some cats.
Clown show, fake threads.
So, why you come back only to down vote your own 7y old thread?
Interesting, around 2017...
How did you even find this thread? You had to be looking for it. Why?