Michael Binder

Michael Binder

Washington, DC, US

The gardens extend upward from the ground across multiple terraces
The gardens extend upward from the ground across multiple terraces
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Underwood House

This project features many beautiful and sustainable design elements.  It is much greener than most new houses, though the owners elected not to submit it for certification under the LEED Homes or other green building standards.  

The L-shaped plan and large openings create living spaces that are filled with daylight and perfect for natural ventilation.  Rooftop gardens and planters on multiple levels extend the landscape upwards, creating a richly interconnected composition of planted terraces.  These vegetated rooftops also help shade and insulate the dwelling.  

The walls of the house are constructed using engineered wooden I-beams to limit thermal bridging.  A hybrid system of spray foam and cotton batt insulation in the walls create a tight air seal and terhnal performance in excess of R-30.  The roof, foamed solid, has an R-50 insulation value.  Double glazing and insulated channel glass fenestration complete this remarkable envelope.  Windows are protected from excessive solar heating by computer controlled retractable blinds.  

The ultra-efficient mechanical systems of the house include a ground source heat pump, radiant floor heating, and energy recovery ventilators.  Renewable energy to drive these systems is provided by a 5kW photovoltaic array on the roof.

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Status: Built
Location: Chevy Chase, MD, US
My Role: Member of the design team
Additional Credits: Meditch Murphey Architects
John Murphey, Principal designer
Lael Taylor, Project Architect
Design Build Inc - General Contractor
Harvey Hottel Energy Solutions - HVAC contractor
Solar City - PV array

The uppermost terrace includes shade trees, vegetable garden and hang-out space overlooking the solar array.
The uppermost terrace includes shade trees, vegetable garden and hang-out space overlooking the solar array.
The street view of the house shows how the landscape seems to flow over and through the house.
The street view of the house shows how the landscape seems to flow over and through the house.
Interior spaces are filled with daylight and ideal for natural cross ventilation.
Interior spaces are filled with daylight and ideal for natural cross ventilation.