Michelle Martin

Michelle Martin

Arlington, TX, US


Hall Arts Spa and Fitness Center

Vedette, meaning the star of the show, strives to create a classic and luxurious environment. Just like a celebrity who is attracted to the lime light, so is the Vedette. With the social and open spaces and windows of the fitness center and the light but cozy architectural lighting elements of the spa, two different moods begin to take form. The contrast in moods between the spaces begin to interwine in the locker room connecting the two through the warm woods of the fitness center and the stark white and architectural lighting seen throughout the spa. The spatial design was highly focused on the circulation and areas of arrival. From the clearly defined path along the back wall of the gym to the thoughtfully placed and defined lounges to service each program of the spa, the design encompasses the full concept of Vedette.

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Status: School Project
Location: Dallas, TX, US
My Role: I spatial planned, designed, 3D modeled, and put together a presentation packet to aid my verbal presentation
Additional Credits: Co-taught by HKS and UT Arlington in helping us develop our concepts and ideas.