michelangelo acciaro is an architect based in milan, italy, where he was born and studied architecture.
michelangelo has set in train michelangelo acciaro architetti, an unrestricted platform allowing interdisciplinary confrontations and measurements. It permits to reflect publicly about architectural manipulations, which determine surfaces, objects, volumes, sounds and lights as well as economical, political and territorial values, and to point at the research of new qualitative solutions including elegance and surprise.
Besojlem Memorial Park, Lviv, Ukraine, 3rd Place
The site is divided into three green areas, the plan forms of which are slightly distorted to emphasize its topography. Three paths cross the areas and are aligned in the directions of the Golden Rose Synagogue, the great city synagogue and the site of the Yanivsky concentration camp. the triangular area between the paths contains plates made of corten steel (a material that has deliberately rusted surfaces) in the form of headstones and set at angles. The 18 surviving original headstones that have been found are placed upright along the paths. Corten steel walls cross the site at varying heights, and can be used for seating, or to delineate diferent parts of the site. The jury appreciated the strong identity and artistic qualities of the project, which relate to the history of the place in a very expressive way. The combination of original tombstones placed upright amidst anonymous sloping rusty metal slabs is a deeply meaningful reference to lost identity. There were reservations about the metal walls that run across the space, which were thought inappropriate for a burial site and inconsistent with the jury’s criteria.
Larvik Inner Harbour, Norway, Award
The central idea of this proposal is to transform the Inner Harbour into a public green area along the sea. The Fjord Park becomes the dominating feature, delineated by two overhead structures/bridges at the railway station, with a new library to the west and businesses to the east. Between the piers, an all weather seawater pool is proposed. The park with its pathways and visual axes links the Inner harbour to the town in a strong urban design. The geometry and functions of the buildings, civil works and piers, offers an alternative to heavy urban and residential structures that obstruct public access to and use of the harbour area and reduce visual contact with the town. The project proposes a minimal amount of construction in the Inner Harbour, with predominantly public amenities that would presumably require public implementation.