MHAworks Architecture

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Durham, NC | Greenville, NC | Asheville, NC


East Carolina University Health Sciences Student Union

The facility provides budding health sciences professionals with a variety of collaborative environments and the type of atmosphere needed to help recruit the next generation of leaders. The facility’s programming includes formal meeting spaces, recreation spaces, a catering kitchen/space, a food court with coffee shop, a convenience store, a computer repair shop, administrative offices, a health clinic, and myriad collaborative studying, gathering, and informal learning spaces. The building is currently in the process of being LEED certified.

One of the more interesting aspects of the design is the promotion of active design principles. The design team worked to make the entire building as open as possible, with all stairs being situated to be more convenient and experientially rewarding than riding the elevator. The three-story glass beacon will one day be the center point of a future campus quadrangle. A stainless steel slide connects the third level of the beacon to the second level.

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Status: Built
Location: Greenville, NC, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Design Partner: Steinberg Hart (Previously Holzman Moss Bottino)