Maria Claudia Angeles

Maria Claudia Angeles

Lima, PE

Master Plan
Master Plan

Sacha Llaqta - Expert Architectural Digital Expression

Pre - Grade Thesis to choose the Peruvian Architect Licence.

Bachelor: María Claudia Angeles Velásquez
Academic Directors: Felix Mayorca & Mag. Walter León
Qualification: Excellence for Unanimity
Architectural Design; Business & Financial Project Design; Ecological &
Conservation Project Design; Graphic Development & Post Production Design
By: María Claudia Angeles Velásquez

Focusing on the definition of a Portable Ecolodge in the Peruvian
Amazon, specifically in the city of Tarapoto, Department of
San Martín (the most deforested region of Peru). We have been
evaluating the problems that exist in the Amazon rainforest,
observing that inside this context, there are many environmental
problems generated by land exploitation, natural resources
extraction and the society indifference with the climate crisis.
In addition to the above, there has also been a notable increase
in tourist demand over the Amazon; preannouncing
itself as a potential problem, which could to damage
the areas that we try to protect. Faced with this problem,
it is necessary that we begin to develop control methodologies
for tourism models, applying them from the
first approaches and conceptions in the project design.
The main objective of our research is the protection of our
Amazon, through the development of a tourism offer that
in addition to proposing an architectural design methodology
based on acceptable changes theories applied to ecotourism
and the proposal of a portable infrastructure that
allowed to the tourist complex to move and let “rest” to the
land of our inevitables human impacts. Responding by a
sustainable way to the current unemployment and work demands,
that only found answers in the extractive industries.
This position in front of tourism develop, allows us to create
a much more sustainable route over time (compared with the
conventional position: static infrastructure) as follows: work
for the local population, cultural exchange between hosts
and visitors and a genuine protection of forests and soils in
which the portable architecture will be inserted. It is proposed
to achieve our theory by the control of tourism demand
through the design strategy; thus avoiding the terrible damage
generated by the "boom and bust cycles" over the natural environments
that have been living throughout the tourist history.
This research has been developed through a thesis, observing
that the existing tourist demand is not still “massive”
and the levels of beauty an similarity around the Amazon
scenarios, allow us to develop the possibility of building
and setting up demountables tourist pavilions that will
could rotate their geographical location and therefore the
industry location too. To resume, “Leave previously inhabited
spaces” allow us obtain their free land regeneration.
The Peruvian Amazon rainforest owns wonderful scenarios,
replete of biodiversity and culture. This project and
research can be taken as a reference in places with similar
characteristics; in middle of a historical epoch in which we
need and value highly the ecological initiatives and commercially
viable in the time for the protection of our planet. 

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Tarapoto, PE
My Role: Architect, Managment, Financial Designer
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